Call for Assistance


A message from Head Coach Mandy Crossen

The Northwest Whitfield Cheer Program has a reputation as one of the top SPIRIT programs in Whitfield county as well as throughout the great state of Georgia. Year after year we continue to excel in not only in the arena of Georgia High School Cheerleading, but within our school and community as spirited leaders of the Northwest Whitfield Bruins. Our girls have exemplified excellence through academics and the advancement of athletic and leadership skills in cheerleading throughout our school and community. Our staff is proud to have 4 girls move on to cheer at Colleges and we are dedicated to developing each girl both on and off the mats.

How you can help the Bruins Cheerleading Team

Any contribution you are able to make will make a big difference in keeping our student athletes focused on their pursuit of excellence. Donations earned will help each cheerleader off-set their expenses for their Spirit Packs, new uniforms, cheer camp, and travel related costs.

It is a year-round endeavor to maintain a highly competitive program and provide our girls with the advantage needed to contend at this level. Ultimately, the key to our success as a program is having support from people like you – those who care the most. Ask any cheerleader or coach, there is simply no greater feeling of accomplishment than a supporting fan base at a game or competition. On behalf of our school and the coaching staff here at Northwest Whitfield High School, we sincerely thank you for your continued support of our program.

Mandy Crossen
Head Cheerleading Coach
Northwest Whitfield High School

A Message From Chae Cunningham


Please consider helping my teammates and me as we enter the 2013-2014 season. We got together and each created a fundraising page to send out to our friends and family. I thought that I would send it to the special people in my life, so I hope you don’t mind that I included you.

We have each been challenged to raise $400 but my personal goal will be to raise more... If you would be willing to help me with a donation of any size, I would really appreciate it.

I'll keep you posted on how our squad is doing as we go through the season.

Thanks again for the support and I hope to see you soon.

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